
Hosting Gratis dan Tidak Berbelit, Azuka.biz

      Sudah lama berkecimpung dengan internet namun baru kali ini coba hosting gratis yang mudah menjalankannya. Dulu masih menggunakan ooowebhost, namun sekarang coba hosting ( tetep yang gratis ) Azuka.biz. Yang belum punya akun di sana, cepetan daftar dan aktivasi pun cepet banget. Apabila sudah punya domain gratis pula di co.cc, daftarkan saja karena di azuka ini diberikan data lengkap bila sudah aktivasi. Hosting gratis ini banyak menawarkan fitur fitur yang jarang di punyai oleh hosting gratis lainnya. Untuk instal wordpress pun sudah di siapkan ( tidak berbelit kayak di 000webhost ), pokoknya kita tinggal jalankan wordpress lalu isi conten sesuai selera.
Pertama tama, kamu harus daftar dulu di azuka.biz. Isi lengkap data datamu dan tunggu balasan yang masuk ke email yang telah di daftarkan untuk konfirmasi login ke azuka. Jangan lupa daftarkan nama domain mu bila sudah punya akun di azuka.biz.
Seperti punya saya ini :

Thank you for your order from us! Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account.

If you have requested a domain name during sign up, please keep in mind that your domain name will not be visible on the internet instantly. This process is called propagation and can take up to 48 hours. Until your domain has propagated, your website and email will not function.

New Account Information

Hosting Package: Free
Domain: xxxxxxx.co.cc
IP Address: 31.170.xx.xx

Control Panel Login Details

Email Address: xxxx@gmail.com
Password: ••••••••••

Control Panel URL: http://cpanel.azuka.biz

Server Information

Server Name: server5.azuka.biz
Server IP:

If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below.

Nameserver 1: ns1.azuka.biz
Nameserver 2: ns2.azuka.biz
Nameserver 3: ns3.azuka.biz
Nameserver 4: ns4.azuka.biz

Uploading Your Website

You may use one of the addresses given below manage your web site:

Temporary FTP Hostname: 31.170.xxx.xx
Full FTP Hostname: ftp.xxxxxxx.co.cc
FTP Username: xxxxxxxxx
FTP Password: xxxxxxxxx
You must upload files to the public_html folder!

Email Settings

For email accounts that you setup, you should use the following connection details in your email program:

POP3 Host Address: mx1.azuka.biz
SMTP Host Address: mx1.azuka.biz
Username: The email address you are checking email for
Password: As specified when setting up the email account

Thank you for choosing us.


Untuk tutorial selanjutnya akan dijelaskan di gelombang yang sama di hari yang berbeda. See you

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